It is important to protect the base of a tree against access or damage that is often caused during mowing. But the trunk can also suffer damage when placing bicycles against the tree. This can be avoided by planting the tree bases.
Are you also so annoyed about leaving dog poop around the tree base? This can simply be solved by planting the tubs with ground cover plants. It is important that sturdy plants are used for this, which can grow in a half / shadowy environment. But bulb are also suitable for planting tree bases.
For young trees, it is advisable to wait about 4 to 5 years with the planting, because in the early years of their growth they need the water, oxygen and nutrients. Otherwise this is "taken away" by the planting of their trunk.
Do you have questions about green spaces or planting public spaces? Our team of green experts is ready to assist you.
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