Landscaping, public green spaces or landscape design... Lubbe & Sons works for various customers and companies.
Public green spaces for government
Our product range for government institutions, such as municipalities and provinces, consists of the following product groups: flower bulbs and perennials. Each product group has its own specific maintenance needs and is suitable for various locations in municipalities. Like:
municipal beds
green around roundabouts
fields in residential areas
embankments along roads.
Landscaping design for universities and healthcare institutions
A green schoolyard, a colourfully furnished parking lot or a cheerful outdoor space for recreation. In the landscaping design of universities or care institutions, we bring appearance, user-friendliness and accessibility together for users and visitors.
Landscaping in theme parks
Parking lots, entrances, attractions, queues, restaurants, exits .... landscaping design and green spaces in theme parks contribute to the experience of a park or attraction. Visitors to the park will relax and enjoy with so much green around them. Are you looking for a natural addition to your theme park or attraction? Contact one of our representatives for advice.
Public green in new construction projects
When designing a new housing estate or new construction project, public green space and its implementation contribute to a significant extent to the living enjoyment of future residents. Together with a landscape architect or project developer, our green specialists look at the interpretation of this public green space. This way they make a public green space more beautiful and more colorful.
Contact us
Do you have questions about green spaces or planting public spaces? Our team of green experts is ready to assist you.
Take a look in our brochures for an organized overview of our products such as flower bulb mixtures, perennials and bulbs for naturalizing. Browse our brochures online or request a brochure by sending an e-mail to